Thursday, October 13, 2011

End of the Primal Challenge - Results

So it has been just over thirty days since I began my Primal Blueprint Fitness Challenge, and let me say it wasn't easy. I definitely cheated on multiple occasions, unable to resist ice cream, beer, cookies what have you. But today I had a conclusive body composition test done, and the results are in.

Body Weight at the beginning of the challenge: 132.8 LBS
                                at the end of the challenge: 134.4 LBS

Body Fat % at the beginning of the challenge: 13.49%
                             at the end of the challenge:  9.2%

According to the results of these two tests alone, I increased my body weight by 1.6 lbs and decreased by body fat by 4.3%.

Reflection to come later this evening....after a big ice cream cone :)


  1. Nice job!!! And I did some math with your results: You lost just over 5.5 pounds of fat. So if all the extra weight that you gained was in muscle, that means that you gained 7.1 pounds of muscle. Pretty wild.

  2. Thanks man. It's pretty exciting, I know there's a margin of error with the caliper tests, but the results definitely surprised me. Gotta trudge on now!
